SBI Announced a Recruitment Notification for SBI Clerks(Assistants in Clerical Cadre) Posts in All states category has many branches in india and outside invets Money in stock markets also( BSE/NSE).it is one of the popular govt bank in BSE present market value 2735.10 and NSE present market value to achieve clerk job in SBI Bank first under stand the syllabus,exam model papers,previous papers
Exam Syllabus:SBI Clerk Exam totally Multiple choice questions.Total Questions 200 and toal Marks 200 each question contains One mark.
SBI clerk paper divided into 5 parts
1)General Awareness
2)English Language
3)Quantitative Aptitude
4)Reasoning Ability
5)Marketing Aptitude/ Computer Knowledge
Here attached some SBI Clerks(Assistants in Clerical Cadre) previous papers with key
SBI Clerical(Associate)Exam - Held on 14-10-2012
SBI Clerical(Associate)Exam - Held on 07-10-2012
SBI Clerical (Assist and Steno)Exam Held on 27-05-2012
SBI Clerical(Assist and Steno)Gen.Awareness Exam Held on 03-06-2012
SBI Clerical Exam - Held on 27-05-2012